Quicksummer Entertainment LLC

Pre -buyer

Foreign distribution companies which would also buy the film after its production for about 50% more.

  1. Pre buyer is ever interested in the Major Studio pictures
  2. A certain star would make a picture easier to sell in some region
  3. Pre buying companies are made to compete with each other prior to agreeing on the Letter of Credit by their local media
  4. Pays the minimum guarantee of the advance on delivery
  5. Can object to payment if Notice of Delivery is permitting the technical inspection when Lab Access Letter is attached
  6. Notice of Assignment (NA) arrives from the licensor bank to licensor (producer) who forwards it to licensee (pre-buyer), who must sign or there is no film
  7. Pre-buyer payment transfer is made through intermediary bank in Hungary, or producer has to have a Gross Up clause in the presale contract