Quicksummer Entertainment LLC

Security Token Offering (STO) or Initial Coin Offering (ICO) for Motion Picture Development Slate?

Moviecoin(MOV) ICO has raised more than it expected and mytos(MYT)STO progress is still to be seen. Mytos intending to create the alternative to the majors (with a team grown out of the major industry), while the moviecoin finances the majors' undertakers, filling their pipeline, working in collaboration with them have different approaches. /// ____ The ICO model proved to be very successful to raise massive capital, however, because of the unregulated ecosystem, a few ICOs have scammed investors. The STO or Security token Offering is a legal investment contract where digital tokens are issued to the investors but with an underlying investment asset that may be stocks, bonds or funds./// A security token offering (STO) is ownership information that offers financial security to the investors in the form of a digital token./// STO Vs ICO /// While the STOs that are given in exchange of funds are the same as in case of ICOs, the characteristics of the tokens are different. An ICO token is primarily a utility token while STOs are security certificates. STOs are governed by regulations while ICOs are currently free of any regulations. STOs owning conditions are more rigid than ICOs which limits STOs access to a wider public. Fundraising is primarily driven by accredited investors./// STO vs IPO/// The process of issuing STOs is similar to issuing IPO where physical or digital certificates are distributed among shareholders but in the case of STOs, the digital blockchain tokens are distributed./// STOs and IPOs are regulated by governing bodies. STOs can be offered by any kind of legal company while for IPO a company must be private. STOs are an asset-based token while IPO is a shareholding. Raising funds using STOs is cost effective and less time intensive as no large fees are paid to investment banks. STOs are easy and cost-effective to manage post-sale./// https://www.altcoinbuzz.io/crypto-news/finance-and-funding/what-is-the-difference-between-ipo-ico-iso-and-sto/
2019-05-14 18:45:47