Quicksummer Entertainment LLC

Industry Main System


Viewer is the reason to make the film. For this reason we ask:

  1. Does the picture bring in the viewer forward strong emotions?
  2. Do the creators of this film have strong connections with the specific audiences and theme of this story?
  3. Does this motion picture deserve to be made?
  4. Is the timing of this picture justified?

An 'A' picture for us is determined by the harmony of all audience, visual, audio, and literary qualities focused on the theme of the property through the characters of the film.


Friends of QSE

The team makes QSE come to life. This group is benefited by QSE and in addition to their tasks it also functions to create the fabric of QSE, which is an essential network of film industry relationships based on producers trust in the team and understanding of the industry engine.

  1. Partner (optional)
  2. UPM - Unit Production Manager
  3. Entertainment Law Firm and Lawyer
  4. Entertainment industry bank
  5. Completion Bond
  6. Publicist (find when development is fully financed)
  7. CFO
  8. Consultants

Private Investors

Private Investors are invited to invest exclusively in the development phase.

  1. Our projections foresee for the investor 120% return in one year and 10% of developed pictures gross in the long run
  2. Must be sophisticated investors
  3. Have a Limited Partner status in a Limited Partnership (LP)
  4. Details available in our 504 investment memorandum

QuickSummer Entertainment, LLC

  1. Parent company to be registered in the US
  2. Production Company, which manages its development companies as Resonance Pictures, LP
  3. QSE also manages its one-film producing companies as Ford T, LLC
  4. Manages its Estonian affiliate Welcome Entertainment, LLC

Detailed description in the mission statement

Resonance Pictures, LP

QSE development company

  1. Activity is limited to 3-5 pictures
  2. Sells fully developed films to QSE owned one-film producing company as Ford to Ford-T Productions.
  3. May work in parallel with other QSE development companies
  4. Develops chosen pictures according to QSE mission statement and as set forth in our 504 investment memorandum

Welcome Entertainment, LLC

QuickSummer Entertainment, LLC affiliate to be registered in Estonia

Production company's co-production partner, an Estonian producing entity, executes QSE duties in Estonia according to contract with QSE

  1. Participates in producing
  2. Expresses interests of Estonian film industry
  3. Supports other international industry producers in Estonia
  4. Manages QSE development financing
  5. Participates in QuickSummer Entertainment, LLC net-profits

Ford -T Productions, LLC

QSE's producing company

  1. QSE owned and managed one-film producing company
  2. Separate producing entities facilitate work, distancing QSE from responsibility derived from guild, talent and other contracts.
  3. Ford -T Productions could act in parallel with several QSE producing companies
  4. Production is financed with bank financing which is collateralised by presales bankable Letters of Credit

Major Industry Organizations

For success unavoidable industries major distribution and financing organizations with whom producer has contractual relationships

  1. Distributors (10 USA Major Studios)
  2. Pre-buyers
  3. Distribution rights buyers:
    1. Video chains (Blockbuster)
    2. Foreign markets
    3. Television markets (networks, premium cable, pay-per-view)
    4. Ancillary media windows
  4. Co-Production companies
  5. From the team: bank and completion bond company

Industry Organizations

These and some other motion picture industry organizations are not part of QSE production team, but are vital for pictures' success:

  1. Markets (AFM, Cannes, MIFED)
  2. Exhibitor Relations Co. (Feature Release Schedules)
  3. Guilds (DGA, WGA, SAG)
  4. Information (Nielsen EDI, Showbizdata, Eagle-i, IMDB)
  5. Talent information (Celebrity Services, Inc.)
  6. MPAA (Motion Picture Association of America)
  7. NATO (National Association of Theater Owners)
  8. Print Media (Variety, Hollywood Reporter, Video Store Magazine)